We will survive!


It is a card game that aims to instruct the knowledge about how to survive then the disaster happened. It is designed the targets for people in every age especially for the elementary school to university students. By playing the card game, people are required to use imagination and talk matching useful tools and behaviors of each disaster situation, so they can learn how to use disaster tools in different situation. It provides the player to raise the awareness of people about the natural disaster and know how to protect themselves in the situation.


Virakorn Kuewsupakorn, Rui Fukumoto.

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「コミュニティデザイン」、「都市防災・防災まちづくり」、「教育方法・教材開発」の分野における研究や実社会への適用を行っています。 特に、「災害から地域が自律的に復旧する仕組み」の実現に力を入れて取り組んでいます。