Rui Fukumoto received Outstanding Professor Award to NID.

Rui Fukumoto received Outstanding Professor Award to NID.


As I approach the end of my first two years as an assistant professor, my awareness and attitude are gradually changing so that I can understand and contribute to educate the students.

I originally came to work as an assistant professor because I wanted to be involved in the education of students, so I’m very happy to receive this award, recognition and encouragement for my future efforts.

However, I just recognized that I was able to accomplish the award because of the positive environment maintained by my coworkers and administrative staff, and I will continue to make every effort to be a part of this positive environment.

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「コミュニティデザイン」、「都市防災・防災まちづくり」、「教育方法・教材開発」の分野における研究や実社会への適用を行っています。 特に、「災害から地域が自律的に復旧する仕組み」の実現に力を入れて取り組んでいます。